Beheard pac

100% Action.

100% Transparency.

Make your
voice heard

a different
kind of



To win, every dollar needs to be spread as far as possible. BeHeard PAC is committed to improving efficiency with every action.


Absurdly Transparent

We’ve donated to PACs before and had no idea if we were saving democracy or lighting our money on fire. That’s not us. We will always keep you in the loop.


Kind of Boring

We focus on appealing to the middle 80%. Yeah, we might go viral on socials, but our goal is to engage people are who are sick of hot-takes and click-bait.

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Current Action

BeHeard PAC is sending texts to unlikely and unregistered voters who who are likely Democrats.  Currently, less than 4% of registered voters are undecided about their choice in the upcoming election. That means that this election is going to be about turnout at the polls.  Our mission now is to to ensure Democrats Turn Out and vote

We need your help on this mission. For every $50 donated will send 2,500 direct messages to voters in Georgia and Pennsylvnia, where every vote could be the defining vote in defending Democracy.


Spencer toder

Fred Wellman

BeHeard PAC is fully transparent. All actions that we take are exactly what we tell our donors we are taking. We utilize technology owned by Constituent Connection, LLC which is partially owned by Spencer Toder, co-director of BeHeard Pac and was founded to do low cost / high impact outreach.

Ready to make your voice heard?

Reach out to us today and learn about how we turn your ideas into action.